Website and Web App Development
Fast & Responsive Frontend
Speed-Optimised Backend
99.99% Web Uptime
Secure Server and Storage
Scalable Coding Practice
Smooth HTML integrations
A.I. & M.L. Integrations
API-Based Platforms
HTML & M.site

Mobile iOS + Android Apps
Lite and User-friendly
Native and Progressive
UX-friendly UI
Secured Data use
Java and Ruby languages

Optimised with multiple test cases
Data encrypted for Privacy
API-built platform
Customised Features
Dedicated server
Web CRM & CMS Apps
CRM (Customer Relationship / Retention Management) tool has become the centre of all operations. Based on each project requirements, plus the standards of a CRM, Pikateck builds a customised platform for improved Lead generation and marketing for revenue.
CMS Apps
One that goes hand-in-hand with the CRM is the CMS (Content Management System) application - a platform that helps users create, edit or modify content of all or any type on the website. Examples include WordPress, Drupal, Magneto and the type of content varies from eCommerce, Blogs, Website content, Notifications, etc.
Amazon Web Services
Pikateck has a dedicated team for handling Managed AWS Cloud Services, which include:
Amazon Cloud Services
Server and Storage that is data encrypted and secure, with 99.99% uptime.
AWS Cloud Consul
AWS Cloud Consul for identification and configuration of multiple services on your infrastructure
AWS Infrastructure Services & Support
AWS Infrastructure support that is 24/7 for 365 days for all kinds of resolution

Why Amazon Web Services?
One primary concern of all software-based processes is Data - any kind of breach, loss or theft of data can cost the process and the company in more ways than just finances. Amazon web services and our dedicated team that handles server management ensures this data is completely secure and safe, even from our eyes.
Pikateck provides storage and complete support, if needed, and manages end-to-end services required for your software portal.